
Missoula Bird Nerds

Two sisters in Missoula who love birds

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ZACC Art Show Coming Up!

Throughout the month of March, Lucy and I will have art hanging in the Zootown Arts Community Center’s Youth Gallery. Although we had three months to work on art, a lot of the art was completed in late January and all of February! We are doing this to show how fun art can be and…

A Unique Experience

On December 16, 2023, I headed outside to find that three Northern Flickers (Colaptes auratus) were competing, well the males were competing, and the female was watching with mild interest. A male flew down and began to hammer at a suet feeder. Upon noticing the male, I looked through my lens and almost exploded with…

What’s in a Name?

Part one: The Bonaparte’s Gull     A few weeks ago, my family and I were driving back from  Moose Lake and bird names were the topic of our conversation. A Clark’s Nutcracker flew over the truck and we started talking about who Lewis and Clark were, their impact in American history, and the birds and…

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